Restoring Your Peace of Mind
By Offering Quality Family Law Representation

Paul J. Duron Family
Paul J. Duron Family

Abogados de Derecho de Familia en Cerritos

Prestación de Servicios Jurídicos de Calidad para Dar a las Familias la Tranquilidad que Merecen

Los asuntos de derecho de familia pueden ser algunos de los problemas más difíciles que tenga que superar una familia. Cuestiones como el divorcio, la manutención del cónyuge y la custodia de los hijos tienden a suscitar fuertes emociones y con frecuencia dan lugar a acaloradas disputas.

En consecuencia, toda persona que se ocupe de un asunto de derecho de familia debe contratar a un abogado que pueda proporcionarle la experiencia jurídica que necesita para lograr resultados favorables.

Cuando acudes a nosotros en busca de ayuda, nuestros abogados expertos en derecho de familia se toman el tiempo necesario para escuchar tus preocupaciones y trabajan para desarrollar una estrategia jurídica innovadora que redunde en tu beneficio.

Nuestro equipo jurídico se compromete apasionadamente a ayudar a las familias a recibir servicios jurídicos de calidad que les ayuden a recuperar la tranquilidad que merecen.

Si tienes preguntas sobre un asunto legal de derecho de familia, ponte en contacto con el Bufete de Paul J. Duron de Cerritos, California, para programar una evaluación gratuita de tu caso y que podamos hablar de él.

Abogados de Derecho de Familia

¿Qué hace que sus abogados de Derecho de Familia sean la elección adecuada para ayudarme con mis necesidades legales?

El bufete de abogados de Paul J. Duron es un bufete de derecho de familia del sur de California con un historial probado de ayudar a los clientes a resolver con éxito sus problemas legales.

Nuestro dedicado equipo de profesionales del derecho trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los clientes para ayudarles a navegar por las complejidades de los casos de derecho de familia. Tanto si necesitas ayuda con la manutención de tus hijos como con el procedimiento de divorcio, nuestros abogados abogarán ferozmente en tu nombre para proteger tus derechos legales.

Mientras que otros abogados suelen centrarse en sus márgenes de beneficio, nuestro bufete trabaja incansablemente para garantizar que proporcionamos a los clientes las opciones legales que necesitan para afrontar con confianza el futuro.

Si estás luchando con un asunto familiar y no estás seguro de lo que puedes hacer para resolver tus problemas legales, ponte en contacto con El bufete de Paul J. Duron inmediatamente 562-205-8527 para programar una consulta gratuita. Para tu comodidad, estamos a 0,8 km del Ayuntamiento de Cerritos, a 1,8 km de Cerritos Park East y a 9,4 km del aeropuerto de Long Beach (LGB).

Abogados de Derecho de Familia
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Preguntas frecuentes
Do all divorces have to go through family court in California?

California law does not stipulate you must go through family court to get a divorce. Nevertheless, trying to handle a divorce with the help of an attorney can lead to unnecessary delays and individuals ending up with a settlement that is not in their best interests. Divorce attorneys have the experience and skill to help clients through the legal process of ending their marriage and fighting to ensure they receive a fair settlement. Additionally, couples with children need the help of a professional attorney who can help them work out child custody issues.

What is considered «legal custody» in California?

Under California law, legal custody refers to which parent is allowed to make important life decisions for their child. Although California has several legal options regarding child custody, the most common is joint legal custody. When parents share joint legal custody, they are entitled to an equal say in important decisions regarding medical treatments, education, and religious upbringing. Anyone dealing with a child custody case needs the help of an experienced attorney who will assist them with developing parenting plans to safeguard their child's well-being.

What are the benefits of hiring a family law attorney?

Many individuals involved in child custody or other family matters mistakenly believe they need help to afford to hire an attorney. However, anyone facing a difficult situation, such as filing for a divorce, restraining order, or child custody, must hire a family law attorney to act as their legal advocate. Family law can be overly complex, and not having an attorney who will fight for your rights could negatively impact your finances or ability to spend time with your children. If you have a family law case, contact a highly trained attorney who will work to protect your rights.

What are the Qualifications Necessary to Obtain Spousal Support in California?

Qualifying for spousal support in California depends on many factors, such as the length of the marriage and the standard of living the supported spouse enjoys. However, the primary purpose of spousal support in California is to allow the supported spouse to obtain an education or employment that will allow them to be self-sufficient. Lesser-earning spouses involved in marriages that lasted over 10 years may receive support for as long as they need, provided the other spouse has the ability to pay.

How long does it take to get a divorce in California?

The time it takes to obtain a divorce in California varies depending on the issues involved in the case. Anyone considering a divorce should know that California requires a mandatory 6 month waiting period before issuing a final divorce decree. However, if the two parties cannot readily agree to the terms of their divorce, the case may need to go through the litigation process, causing significant delays. If you are having trouble coming to an amicable agreement with your spouse, you must have aggressive representation to ensure your rights are protected.

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